Client Testimonials

Our physics consulting team at ISS, Inc., strives to build lasting relationships with the facilities we serve, providing the accuracy and confidence they need to provide excellent service to their patients.

“One of our goals is to keep the cost of healthcare down.  When ISS, Inc. started providing Heartland Health System with medical physics service our annual cost went down while providing excellent service. ”
Larry Kirschner, Radiology Team Leader, Heartland Health System

“When I came on board here we were failing the ACR accreditation for our MRI units.  When we got Jon Erickson from ISS, Inc. involved he was able to help us identify problems and get them corrected.  Now all of our MRI units are  accredited by the ACR.”  Manager, Network of Outpatient Imaging Centers.

“At one of our facilities a CT scan of the abdomen was performed on a women that had denied any chance of pregnancy.  We called Jon Erickson our physicist.  He gave use a fetal dose calculation in a  in a very short time.  This resolved everyone’s concerns.” Radiology Department Manager